
News 24 Jun 2024
ISD UG Students Won Bronze Award of ASMPT Technology Award 2024
A team of UG students from the Division of Integrative Systems and Design (ISD) won the Bronze Award of ASMPT Technology Award 2024. Five of our undergraduate students Shijie WANG, Mukai YU, Yui Kai TSE, Wang Lok LUK and Chen SONG came up with a practical innovation under the supervision of Prof.…
News 23 Apr 2024
ISD Research Team Showcased 3D Food Printing Technology at Hong Kong Science Museum's Members' Day
Prof. Mitch LI’s team from the Division of Integrative Systems and Design was cordially invited to be the guest speaker of "Members' Day: Sci-Fi or not?", organized by Hong Kong Science Museum on Mar 28, 2024.  They held four sessions of technical demonstration - Sci-Fi Gastronomy: 3D Food…
News 22 Apr 2024
Two ISD Research Teams Shone at the 49th International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva
The 49th International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva was held in Switzerland from 17-21 April, 2024. Out of many inventions, two research teams from the Division of Integrative Systems and Design were recognized at this international renowned event. The team led by Prof. Changying XIANG crowned…
News 09 Apr 2024
ISD Seminar - Benchmarking Photometric Stereo Using a Broader Range of Real-world Data
[ISD Seminar - Benchmarking Photometric Stereo Using a Broader Range of Real-world Data] was presented by Prof. Boxin SHI, a Boya Young Fellow Associate Professor and Research Professor at Peking University on 9th April 2024.  Since the first real-world benchmark dataset for photometric…
News 28 Mar 2024
HKUST, HKRITA and WTU Forge Strategic Partnership to Drive Innovation and Collaboration
(From Left) Mr Edwin Keh, CEO of The Hong Kong Research Institute of Textiles and Apparel, Professor Feng Jun, Vice-President of the Hong Kong Research Institute of Textiles and Apparel Limited,  and Professor Zhang Qian, Acting Head of the Division of Integrated Systems and Design at…
News 08 Mar 2024
A New Approach to Creating 3D Microstructures by Prof. Mitch LI’s Team