Chinachem – ISD Talk Series: From Zero Carbon Building to Carbon Neutral Hong Kong
This is about the journey of an architect who participated in the integration of sustainable design in the built environment, including the pioneering project Zero Carbon Building completed in 2012 in Hong Kong, and then served as the Secretary for the Environment, HKSAR, between 2012-22. During his 10-year tenure in the Government, Wong led a number of sustainability policy blueprints on climate actions, energy saving, clean air, popularisation of electric vehicles, waste management, and biodiversity, leading Hong Kong towards carbon neutrality before 2050.
The Speaker
The talk is going to be delivered by Mr. Wong Kam-sing (黃錦星), GBS, JP, Former Secretary for the Environment, HKSAR Government. Prior to his tenure, he contributed to various sustainable architecture projects, including the pioneering high-density public housing estate Verbena Heights and the Zero Carbon Building, the first of its kind in Hong Kong. He also volunteered in the sustainable bridge design and construction project in Gansu Province and has been the Chairman of Wu Zhi Qiao Charitable Foundation since October 2022. Wong has also held several leadership positions in professional organizations, including the Environment and Sustainable Development Committee of the Hong Kong Institute of Architects, the Professional Green Building Council, and the Hong Kong Green Building Council. He has contributed to the promotion and research of standards and guidelines for sustainable built environments, including HKGBC's BEAM Plus and Buildings Department's Sustainable Building Design Guidelines and Guidelines on Design & Construction Requirements for Energy Efficiency of Residential Buildings.