Events 18 Nov 2020
Events Date18 November 2020 Events9:30am - 10:30am EventsOnline

Speaker: Mr. Brian Lau
Principal Designer
Mad Studios



Design has long been imbricated with Economics, much of Design being influenced by economic principles and objectives. Understanding that Design is a major shaping force of the man-made world, we must then also acknowledge that Economics shapes Design. As such, the consequences of our world-shaping is incumbent on both.

Academic and Industry Partners

With the variety of project-based learning, industry experience opportunities and experiential learning with adaptable timetabling, the Division of Integrative Systems and Design has built important partnerships with both institutions and industries.

Academic Partners

ISD’s pedagogical innovation is a vision shared by many other schools, departments and universities around the world. From course collaboration, to co-supervision of design projects, to tailored exchange semester arrangements, our academic partners support ISD students to enrich their learning opportunities and to extend their horizons.   In particular, two joint courses illustrate some of the collaborative endeavors.

•    ISDN4320 Design Thinking | HKUST ISD x China Academy of Art
•    ISDN3350 Global Product Development | HKUST ISD x SNU IdeaFactory x BUAA IDE 



Industrial Partnership

ISD works with our industrial partners to provide students with real-world perspective and design and technical skills through projects, internship, and mentorship.  ISD students work on industry-related problems and projects throughout the program and along the way, have ample opportunities to meet and consult with our industrial partners.  In their final year, our students work on company-sponsored Capstone projects that utilize what they’ve learned throughout the program and challenge them to be innovators, designers and/or entrepreneurs.  Students and faculty advisors work closely with the industrial partners having frequent communication sessions, prototyping reviews, and tracking of progress to ensure project success.

Through the interactions with the industrial partners, our students gain valuable knowledge and real-world experience.   In turn, our industrial partners gain fresh insights from our students and also project results that can be used in their company.  Our industrial partners can also have opportunities to recruit excellent students into their company. 

Project Mentors

As part of the industry partnership program, two representatives from each company are invited to serve as industry mentors.   Within the theme-based cornerstone projects, many design reviews and participation in competitions will be required to bring together students with mentors for understanding the real-world problem in the design process.  Mentors are also invited regularly to give share in lectures or seminars; allowing students to keep up-to-date with the new landscape in design and engineering.

ISD hopes to foster closer mentorship between the project mentors and students.  Students will communicate with their mentors via email or over the phone for no more than two hours per week. An in-person or online meeting will be scheduled once per month.

Redefining problems cards

News 01 Sep 2020

A set of Redefining problems cards is newly launched by ISD in 2020 to guide problem-solving for the real needs in society. This set of red cards introduces the six-chapter design research process, additionally, documents 15 design research projects conducted by 36 students in the course ISDN1002.


"In ISDN1002, the students in ISD are introduced to design research methodology and methods for exploring problems and identifying opportunities for design initiatives. It is a learning-by-doing course and through the execution of the course project, students not only learn the design principles but also apply them in solving real-life problems. In this very special year, I am very delighted to see how our students in ISDN1002 came out with innovative design solutions to tackle problems in the real world,"

Professor Chi Ying Tsui, Head of ISD.


The Design Research process redefining problems is systematically structured in six chapters and several design research methods are introduced. The process is not a solution-driven process. Rather, the main idea of introducing the Design Research process is to raise the awareness for the need to identify the right problems, as important, solve them in new and creative ways. This avoids offering wrong solutions for wrong problems no matter how brilliant the solutions are.

Design lecture: Introductory lecture: Less but Better

Events 22 Oct 2019
Events Date22 October 2019 Events5 – 6:30pm EventsCheung On Tak Lecture Theater (LT-E), HKUST

Design lecture: Introductory lecture: Less but Better

Speaker: Dr. Luisa Mok, Lecturer, ISD, HKUST, Hong Kong


Luisa has a dual background in design and anthropology. She believes in integrating design and technology for the greater socio-environmental good. In her lecture, Luisa has introduced the Bauhaus idea and design ethics of “Less but Better.”

Design lecture: The Future of Mobility

Events 21 Oct 2019
Events Date21 October 2019 Events5 – 6:30pm EventsCheung On Tak Lecture Theater (LT-E), HKUST

Design lecture: The Future of Mobility

Speaker: Anthony Lo, Vice President, Exterior Design, Groupe Renault, France


Born in Hong Kong and studied Automotive Design, Anthony began his career at Lotus in England. He then worked for Audi, Mercedes-Benz, Saab, Opel, and since 2010, he has been the Vice President of Exterior Design at Renault. At the lecture, Anthony has shared with us his vision for the future of mobility.

Design lecture: The White City: conservation of the Bauhaus architecture

Events 24 Oct 2019
Events Date24 October 2019 Events5 – 6:30pm EventsCheung On Tak Lecture Theater (LT-E), HKUST

Design lecture: The White City: conservation of the Bauhaus architecture

Speaker: Dr. Micha Gross, Director, The Bauhaus Center Tel Aviv, Israel


Design week: From the Bauhaus: visions, design and technology

Events 21 Oct 2019
Events Date21 October 2019 to 25 October 2019 Events10am – 7pm EventsAtrium, HKUST

The Bauhaus design ethos was to create designs integrated with technology through a balance of functions and aesthetic. This Design Week event consists of an exhibition, a documentary film, and three thematic design lectures to showcase its influence to today and future. We hope through this Bauhaus design showcase would harness your aspiration to integrate technology with design for societal and environmental good.


The event is framed in a tripartite structure:

A documentary film: The Bauhaus a global learning

Events 21 Oct 2019
Events Date21 October 2019


To explain the global influence and evolution of the Bauhaus ethos, our project team has travelled to Dessau, Berlin, Frankfurt and Kronberg in Germany, Tel Aviv in Israel as well as local Hong Kong to study and document, film and photograph many notable Bauhaus design stories.

ISD Seminar: Towards a New Generation of Nature-Inspired Aerial Crafts

Events 09 Jul 2019
Events Date09 July 2019 Events11:00am - 12:30pm EventsRoom 2503 (Lifts 25-26),


GSCI and ISD Joint Seminar - Designing Tomorrow’s Cities Today: through the Lens of a Car

Events 05 Sep 2019
Events Date05 September 2019 Events2:30pm - 4:00pm EventsIAS 2042, 2/F, Lo Ka Chung Building, Lee Shau Kee Campus, HKUST

Our cities have never been busier. More congestion and pollution demand us to rethink mobility. Car companies are making huge strides in developing autonomous vehicles. What does it take for autonomous driving to become reality? How can these innovations make cities like Hong Kong cleaner and safer places to live? Yutaka Sanada, Nissan’s head of Asia & Oceania, will provide a perspective on how mobility advancements not only transform the way we drive, but also the way we live.