SOCAM campus visit

News 24 Nov 2022

SOCAM Development Limited has been supportive on learning, innovation and student project development at ISD in establishing the Shui On Innovation Fund. There were 63 ISD students forming 15 teams in total who have participated in the yearlong project supported by Shui On Innovation Fund in the 2021/22 academic year.

Mr Freddy Lee, Chief Executive Officer, and Ms Vanessa Wo, Assistant General Manager, Corporate Communications of SOCAM Development Limited paid a visit on 24 November 2022 (Thursday) to meet with our faculties and ISD students, and to present the award.

12 students from 3 year-long project groups were honored the Shui On Innovation Fund Student Awards 2021/22. The award recognizes outstanding ISD year-long projects.

ZHONG Haosong Andrew, WANG Chaoyu David, GUO Qixuan Grace, and CHOI Yiu Hei Matthew from Team Zzz, Year 2 year-long project; CHEUNG Ho Hin Alphor, MA Sze Long Evan, and YU Mukai Tom Notch from Lighthouse, Year 3 year-long project; LIN Yifei, LIANG Yuchen, HUANG Qiucan, TANG Sai Kit, and FUNG Mark Anthony from Smart Construction, Year 4 year-long project; received the Outsanding Year-long project award.

SENG Teaching Excellence Appreciation Award 2021-22

News 14 Oct 2022

Four faculty members were honored in the School of Engineering (SENG) Teaching Excellence Appreciation Award 2021-22. The award recognizes faculty members who demonstrate continuous excellence in undergraduate teaching, foster students’ interest in the subject, promote students’ learning, develop innovative and effective teaching methodologies, and more.

Prof. Winnie LEUNG, Integrative Systems and Design (ISD), Prof. Larry LI, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE), and Prof. Dimitris PAPADOPOULOS, Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), received Teaching Awards.

Prof. Winnie Leung made great contributions to the development of new courses. These include ISDN 2001 Second Year Design Project I, ISDN 2002 Second Year Design Project II, ISDN 2500 Introduction to Systems Design Engineering, and ISDN 3350 Global Product Development. She developed students’ interest in robotics by supervising the HKUST HKUST RoboMaster team for seven years. She played a major role in promoting students’ learning by serving as the Chair of the Undergraduate Internship and Exchange Committee and a member of the ISD Division’s Undergraduate Committee.

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Dr. Changying Xiang received his Bachelor of Architecture degree and Master of Architecture degree from the Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), he received his second master degree (MSc in Technology in Architecture) in sustainable architecture direction from Aalborg University. From 2018 autumn to 2022 Spring, he worked in the Light & Colour Centre in the Department of Architecture and Technology at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) for three and a half years and received the Ph.D. degree in Architecture. During the research period in Norway, Dr. Xiang worked closely with SINTEF (the Norwegian Foundation for Industrial and Technical Research),  The Research Center for Sustainable Solar Cell Technology (SuSolTech), and IFE (Institute for Energy Technology) to develop advanced coloured photovoltaics prototypes and architectural design methodologies for BIPV applications. He was also a member of NTNU Energy Team Solar, and a member of New Bauhaus @ NTNU.

Dr. Xiang is now an Assistant Professor in the ISD division of HKUST, he has the ambition to promote the development of smart carbon-neutral buildings and cities with holistic design strategies and cutting-edge technologies.  His research interests include designing smart integrated PV systems for building and urban context, prefabrication construction, sustainable architecture and urban design, light and colour in architecture and cities, resilient carbon-neutral cities and climate responsive design etc. He is a professional member of the International Solar Energy Society, a member of the International Colour Association (AIC Study Group on Environmental Colour Design), a member of the Daylight Award Community, a member of the China Fashion Color Association-Architectural and Environmental Color Committee, a member of Active House Academic Committee of Architectural Society of China (ASC AHAC).

He has worked as a schematic architect at the Architectural Design & Research Institute of Tsinghua University, Co. Ltd, Beijing and he co-founded an architectural design and construction company conducting prefabricated low-energy housing in Denmark. As an architect with entrepreneurial spirit, Dr. Xiang is enthusiastic to promote the sustainable revolution of the AEC industry and actively in collaborating with the PV industries. In his vision, the future world will be powered by renewable energy systems and can provide more climate resilient, culturally diverse, ecologically friendly, and human-centered environments. Everyone can and should contribute to the sustainability of our beautiful and magic planet.

People Type
People Position
Sustainable architecture
BIPV system design
Solar system planning
Smart building envelope
Resilient carbon-neutral cities
Light & colour in architecture & cities
Prefabricated construction
Rm 5591B

Chinachem PrimeMovership Award

News 14 Jun 2022

Behind every great innovation lies a design sensibility, something that might be imperceptible to users but is in fact a vital element of design thinking that yields human-centered innovative solutions. HKUST’s Division of Integrative Systems and Design (ISD) has a lofty goal of nurturing a new generation of innovators via project-based learning, enabling them to chart an empathic course to meet people’s needs through the use of technology.

Innovation driven by struggles

Founded by ISD student Iain LAM, Sallux Education is an education center that uses technology to help academically challenged students in primary and secondary schools. It is an endeavor born out of Iain's own struggles with dyslexia and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) as a child.

“The learning difficulties couldn’t have been worse. In the traditional Hong Kong local curriculum, every student was required to sit in a very conventional classroom context and then do a lot of homework every day,” says Iain, who is the CEO and is now in his final year of MSc in Technology Leadership and Entrepreneurship, which requires every student to launch a start-up as one of the entrepreneurship components.

Like many young students with dyslexia, Iain had particular problems memorizing the English alphabet, and he describes the environment in the classroom as “toxic” despite him being a hard-working student. “My teacher and my classmates did not understand what difficulties I was going through.”

Gamified learning

Iain’s innovative approach has managed to improve the learning experience of struggling students by gamifying the process, particularly with the use of Virtual Reality (VR) and Modified Reality (MR).

Putting on their headsets, the SEN students are fully engaged in an immersive virtual learning environment, enabling them to focus on lectures for at least 20 minutes and to complete tasks in a non-distracting environment.

We often see SEN students bad at school but good at gaming. It’s not that their abilities are low but just the traditional way of learning doesn’t feed them with enough motivation, which is what our ‘play to learn’ approach and VR learning environment offer,” says Iain. 

To date, 75 SEN students have taken part in the interactive tutorial sessions since the platform was launched. “We’re not only helping them to cope with schoolwork and exams, but also to build their self-esteem and find their own character.” This, says Iain, is one of the project’s greatest achievements. He has also brought three of his former students on board in the company, with one as Chief Operating Officer and engineer. 

This innovative solution for education has earned Iain a Chinachem Prime Movership scholarship, which aims to support ISD students with high achievements in innovative technologies design and who have entrepreneurial potential. This year, the scholarship was awarded to 14 students.

While the pandemic presented a number of challenges, not least economic difficulties, Iain says the scholarship has come in a timely manner.

“The pandemic directly impacted us financially so the scholarship came at a right time and ensured all my five staff got paid,” says Iain, adding that the recognition helps the company develop further; he has plans for potentially expanding the platform to the Mainland.

Digital pet guarding emotional health

Another awarded project is the Year-2 undergraduate team’s IRIS project, which has harnessed the concept of a virtual pet to provide wellness support to students experiencing isolation or loneliness. The palm-sized digital pet provides not only interaction and companionship to users with sound and visual feedback, but also emotional assessment to raise users’ awareness on their mental health.

The team has used different technologies, such as 3D printing, haptics and machine learning, to produce the prototypes and the next step for the project is to enter production  through crowdfunding; should they manage to scale up sufficiently, they hope to be able to reach a retail price of HK$600-800. 

Educational outreach

All the scholarship recipients are testimony to the ISD’s early success, with students equipped with the wherewithal to better integrate design into their projects, thereby producing more human-centered and impactful products. “When we first started in 2017, a lot of effort was put into educational outreach –what it means to marry engineering and design, why design thinking and systems thinking are crucial at this level of undergraduate education, and how the ISD’s student-centric curriculum, along with industry collaborative support, provides the rich and inspiring bedrock for our students to grow,” says Winnie LEUNG, Assistant Professor of Engineering Education at the ISD.

“Our ultimate goal is to nurture a new generation of innovators who can work across multiple disciplines and create disruptive innovations to solve the world’s great challenges.”

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IEEE MAGNETICS Distinguished Lecture Series - Symmetry Breaking by Materials Engineering for Spin-Orbit-Torque Technology

Events 17 Jun 2022
Events Date17 June 2022 Events14:00 (HKT) EventsOnline

Electric manipulation of magnetization is essential for the integration of magnetic functionalities in integrated circuits. Spin-orbit torque (SOT), originating from the coupling of electron spin and orbital motion through spin-orbital interaction, can effectively manipulate magnetization. Symmetry breaking plays an important role in spintronics based on SOT. SOT requires inversion asymmetry in order to have a net effect on magnetic materials, which is commonly realized by spatial asymmetry: a thin magnetic layer sandwiched between two dissimilar layers.

Dr. Jac Leung is a Lecturer in the Division of Integrative Systems and Design at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He has attained B.Eng. in Mechanical Engineering from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, M.Sc. in Environmental Engineering from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and Doctor of Education from The University of Hong Kong.

Dr. Leung is a seasoned trainer, facilitator and supervisor for student innovation projects. He is dedicated to promoting human-centred approaches and project-based learning practices. He is a co-author of the book AI Literacy in K-16 classrooms. He is the project leader and advisor of various projects related to Generative AI in teaching and learning (sum ~HKD4M).

Since 2012, Dr. Leung has dedicated his career to promoting a ‘learning-by-doing’ approach in authentic, project-based, and experiential learning environments. His teaching and research interests include design-based learning, EdTech, design and systems thinking, AI literacy, and self-determination theory.

Popup Head
People Type
People Position
Design Thinking
Systems Thinking
Educational Technologies
AI literacy
Rm 6530